Friday, August 29, 2008

Jelly Beans & Ball Gowns....

Well.......we have been doing alot of shopping recently....we decided to do our main shopping here (Oregon) because it's one of the only states with tax included on price state tax (this is a Good thing!!!) So here are our most loved or most talked about!

These are the CHEAP ($20 'n' $30) dresses we bougth at a 'Goodwill' store.


Livi said...

Those dresses are beautiful!

michael T said...

Not to mention the girls inside them! Don't come back engaged!

I notice that Tom's not in the shopping photo. Good bloke.

Anna-Ruth said...

Wow! Thats a lot of jelly beans!
And your gowns are fabulous!

The Tribe said...

Hehe, yeah a lot of jelly bellys, and thanks! Kat and I love our dresses too!!!
Why thank you dear sir-no we are not planning on geting father would most likely go hay-wire at that idea.... :)