Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Supermarket Experience

Hey people,

We went to a supermarket the other day (as you should know if you have been reading updates)

You who haven't been reading know who you are....we WILL track you down and make you read!!! (how dare you forget about us!)
Anyway... :)

Here are a few of the products-its so amazing the amount of stuff and the prices...alot was $2 or under....most of the other stuff was $4 or less...the odd thing that was bigger and bulk-ier would have a higher price.

Prepare to be amazed.

Choc Gummi Bears?! Bleach-awful cheap! Watermelons-Big and small LOTS of oil!

Tinned Cinnamon rolls and scones or biscuits as americans call them.
Frosting (icing) with special tubes to make the perfect iced cake.

LOLLIES! (CANDY!!!) Trout.


michael T said...

Anna-Ruth, where did you get those earrings?

The Tribe said...

dontcha love 'em. They're hidious yet soooo a store called 'claires' also got some similar but even more loud. :)